Will the AI of ChatGPT and Co. steal our jobs? The biggies that are already thinking about it

IBM's number 1 admitted that artificial intelligence is allowing the company to freeze over 7,000 job positions. And it is not the only group that is taking that direction: are ChatGpt & co. already stealing our jobs?
chatgpt jobs

There are those who point out that AI had already started stealing our jobs several years ago, even before ChatGpt was mentioned. This would have happened amidst everyone’s indifference and would have concerned those workers who were already the emblem of an increasingly precarious and disenfranchised market: the switchboard operators.

Gradually, if you notice, they were replaced by chatbots. Now it is the algorithms, which show very little artificial intelligence, that act as a filter between the user and the company. Those who have experienced inefficiencies related to domestic utilities and have spent a few hours trying to converse with these virtual robots to finally reach a technician know something about this.

ChatGPT & Co. will steal our jobs?

That is why the words recently expressed by IBM CEO Arvind Krishna, according to whom ChatGPT & co. will be able to cut thousands of jobs, freezing the hiring for 7,800 jobs that will be replaced precisely by algorithms, do not cheer up.

Krishna explained the first to be affected by the human-machine shift will be those who perform HR-related functions. Such as managing employee movements and associated services. Conversely, roles requiring human control will not be affected for at least another decade, he predicts.

Jobs requiring customer interaction and software development will take much longer before artificial intelligence can replace them.

Of course, in a company that employs 260,000 people, the fact that 7800 may lose their jobs to ChatGPT and related AI is not a big impact. But, as IBM’s number 1 said, in the coming years artificial intelligence will come to fill new roles. And the redundancies will be greater.

What future lies ahead?

According to research by the World Economic Forum, the adoption of AI by businesses, with particular regard to applications such as ChatGpt, will generate a profound ‘disruption’ in global labour markets. Thus eliminating many white-collar professional figures.

75 per cent of the companies consulted by the WEF expect to adopt AI technologies in the near future. Thus cutting 26 million jobs, mainly administrative, with the highest price paid by profiles such as clerks, communication and coordination workers, and accountants.

The overall impact of the entry of technologies such as ChatGpt will be very significant. And is measured, according to the WEF estimate, by the elimination of 83 million jobs globally. With the simultaneous creation of 69 million new jobs. This means, as CNN writes, a net loss of 14 million jobs, equivalent to 2 per cent of all employment.

The positive aspects, or perhaps not

Even more catastrophic is the Goldman Sachs study, The Potentially Large Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Economic Growth. According to which, with ChatGpt and its cheerful family around, as many as 300 million jobs would be at risk.

And, paradoxically, the most disturbing aspect of the research is also the most positive. The adoption of Ai could lead to a global GDP growth of 7% over the next ten years.

Faced with such a leap for the world economy, many governments and parliaments might be deterred from legislating to curb the advance of machines. It would then be up to them to redistribute the new wealth created by AI. Given historical precedents, this is unlikely to happen. Perhaps it will be a case of replacing MPs and ministers with ChatGpt?

Read also: ChatGPT and AI development, these are the jobs at risk

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