Xi Jinping in Moscow, second day of meetings: consolidation of partnerships and “Russia open to peace talks”

At the Kremlin second meeting today between Putin and Xi Jinping, Chinese 12-point peace plan on the table.
xi jinping putin

Today’s meeting of the Chinese President Xi Jinping official visit to Russia are also expanded to include delegations.

The day began with a meeting of the Chinese leader with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Then Xi moved to the Kremlin for a meeting with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. Yesterday was the first informal meeting between the two.

Meanwhile, Beijing’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said in the daily briefing that Russia “has carefully studied China’s psition paper on the political solution to the crisis in Ukraine.”

Xi Jinping-Putin meeting: partnership between the two countries consolidated

It was a “frank and substantive” exchange of views between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. This was how the Kremlin chief spoke at a press conference after the two leaders’ two-hour talks held today during the second day of Xi’s Russian trip.

Putin stressed the importance of cooperation between the two countries, “Inter-trade exchange between Russia and China will exceed $200 billion this year, having already hit a record in 2022 despite the pandemic and sanctions.”

The consolidation of their relationship will also come through the construction of the Siberia Force 2 pipeline. Which will be used to export Russian gas to China and for which “practically all the parameters” have been agreed upon.

Xi Jinping-Putin meeting: the Ukrainian conflict

Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said in the daily briefing that “Russia has carefully studied China’s position paper on the political solution to the crisis in Ukraine. And, that is open to peace talks.”

President Putin reported that “Russia appreciates China’s consistent stance of upholding fairness, objectivity and balance on major international issues. China will continue to make Sino-Russian relations a priority”.

As early as yesterday Putin let it be known that he looks “with interest at China’s proposals to resolve the crisis in Ukraine.” Frost from Washington: “If China issued an appeal for a cease-fire Kiev would have to reject it,” said the U.S. National Security Council.

Xi: “Russia and China full strategic partners with full coordination”

Prior to his talks with Putin, Xi spoke with Russian Premier Mikhail Mishustin. During the meeting, official Chinese news channels report, he said he was ready to expand cooperation with Moscow even further “in the areas of trade, investment, supply chain, mega projects, energy and high technology.”

Xi noted that the two countries are “comprehensive strategic partners with full coordination.” Maintaining the “healthy and stable development of ties is in accordance with the historical logic of bilateral relations and the fundamental interests of the respective peoples,” he added.

Putin and Xi’s first meeting yesterday

Meanwhile, Xi Jinping invited his Russian counterpart to pay a visit to China this year. Xi also invited the Russian premier, Mikhail Mishustin.

Yesterday there was a first meeting between Putin and Xi, an informal face-to-face meeting at the Kremlin, before today’s official talks.

The Chinese president on his arrival in Moscow said he wanted to strengthen “strategic interaction” with Russia. While crediting China as a credible mediator for the conflict in Ukraine.

Two goals not easy to reconcile, especially in the eyes of a West decidedly skeptical of Beijing’s real intentions.

So while Kiev says it is following developments with interest, asking Xi to convince Russia to end the war, the White House urges Ukrainians not to accept a possible cease-fire. Which would “ratify” the Russians’ territorial gains and give them time to regroup.

Read also: The Hague, International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Putin: “responsible for war crimes”

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