Digital Transformation: from cybersecurity to AI, the trends for 2023

Thanks to Digital Innovation, many sectors have entered a new and innovative dimension. It is now time to understand what the technology trends for 2023 might be.

Thanks to Digital Transformation, many sectors have entered a new and innovative dimension. It is now time to understand what the technology trends for 2023 might be.

Since last year, many previously analyzed sectors have undergone more or less significant changes. In this regard, some of the 2022 Digital Transformation trends have been confirmed.

While others have undergone a very important acceleration and will definitely become key turning points for the digitization process worldwide.

The Digital Transformation trends of 2023

The following are the sectors that will be impacted the most by the Digital Transformation the next year:

Open Innovation and start-up digitization

The Open Innovation paradigm cannot only be considered a technological trend, but a real cultural trend. This process, in fact, is one of the main factors determining how Innovation and Digital Transformation change the landscape of digitization in companies.

Companies, in order to create more value and compete in the market, can no longer rely only on internal ideas and resources, but also have the duty to make use of technological tools and skills that come from outside, particularly from startups, universities, research centers, suppliers, inventors, programmers and consultants.

Digital transformation becomes, therefore, a challenge in which new professional roles emerge. Such as, the Innovation Manager, a professional figure who understands digitization processes and implements them in those companies that want to evolve in this respect.

Knowing the tools, models and regulations for the development of new digital initiatives becomes more crucial than ever to enable Digital Transformation from an, indeed, “open” and agile perspective.

Cloud Computing: Digital Transformation on the Clouds

As outlined in 2022 Trends, Cloud Computing is one of the fundamental and enabling technologies of the Digital Transformation journey in enterprises. In recent years, especially after the boom in digitization of IT processes due to the pandemic, the Cloud is and remains one of the most leveraged technological innovations.

In fact, as we highlight, the Cloud has become indispensable for both SMEs and large companies and PAs, which have found in the “cloud” the tool to remain interconnected in infinite ways.

Digital Transformation and eCommerce 2023: a winning challenge

With the pandemic, companies that already had eCommerce experience were the ones that reacted best to the first lockdown, and the others had to fill the gap in order to survive. Subsequently, 2021 and 2022 saw growth in the sector, both B2b and B2c. The coming year, then, could result in an increasingly preponderant rise of eCommerce.

The numbers, after all, speak for themselves. In 2021 the growth of B2b eCommerce shows a strong increase, suffice it to say that 7 out of 10 companies are investing in digitization.

For B2c eCommerce, however, there is evidence of a slight slowdown in growth for online product stores compared to 2021, while services eCommerce returned to pre-pandemic levels.

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Digital Transformation and trends for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

Big Data has been a revolution for the digital world. Every company, every industry, now increasingly lives by analyzing huge streams of data. According to many, data is the new oil, and knowing how to extract value is the real competitive key for large companies and SMEs.

Precisely because of the large volumes of numbers and to analyze them, the use and management of Artificial Intelligence, one of the driving engines of Digital Innovation, is indispensable.

The progress made by this industry, in recent years, is remarkable. The most popular techniques, in this area, are Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and today they find their way into numerous sectors.

From security, to finance, to automotive. Knowing the trend, the real opportunities, combining technological and managerial perspectives means knowing how to enable new business models.

Internet of Things: innovating with “objects”

More than 20 years have passed since the expression “Internet of Things” was coined. Over time, IoT technologies have multiplied and developed, just as the many application areas have profoundly evolved, from the connected home (the Smart Home), to smart cars, to industrial IoT.

Compared to pre-pandemic numbers, this technology has grown considerably, especially in IoT service offerings.

Cyber-Security for digitalization, trends of 2023

While digital technologies are enabling a range of opportunities, they are also increasing risks to the security of companies’ information systems and data. Managing cybersecurity is now an indispensable activity.

For this reason, more companies are using it to protect themselves from cyber attacks, which are on the rise. Facing this threat requires investment, professionals such as the Chief Information Security Officer and structured training plans.

In addition, adherence to regulations enacted to support the protection of data from malicious actions plays an essential role in Data Protection.

Also in this area, another major concern is digital identity, a growing area with high potential for adoption in both public administrations and businesses.

Digital Transformation and the world of payments: blockchain and innovative payments

The growth of digital payments also continues within the blockchain market, with end consumers increasingly interested in cryptocurrencies. There are many applications based on this technology, and all are marked by the need for disintermediation and decentralization.

This innovation potentially makes it possible to dispense with banks, notaries, financial institutions and other intermediaries. Precisely in this landscape, Blockchain is also the basis of Web3, a Decentralized web different from the current Web “centralized” by big tech.

Which will enable the foundation for independent business solutions based on decentralized applications (DApps) and unique tokens (NFTs).

5G and Digital Transformation, the evolution of networks for 2023

A market that is still in its infancy, but one that (partly because of fake news) has already made waves. 5G represents an evolution from existing broadband networks, offering numerous business opportunities and application possibilities in different areas.

Worldwide, this technology is seeing more and more experimentation involving new skills and partnerships among supply chain players.

As is often the case in the world of technological innovation, collaboration is the key to success. Working together means fully understanding the real benefits of 5G and reducing obstacles.

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