The main political elections to watch out for in 2023

Another significant election year has begun. It will witness a number of important elections. Here are the main ones for 2023.
political elections 2023

Another significant election year has begun. It will witness a number of important elections. As governments change, whether as a result of customary parliamentary procedures, public demonstrations, or coups, some of them might come as a surprise.

But even though some of the dates have not yet been set, many elections are already scheduled.

Important political elections have already taken place in 2023 in various parts of the world, including Nigeria on February 25th, Estonia on March 5th, and Finland’s political elections on April 2nd.

The 5 elections worth keeping an eye on in 2023

The following are some important political elections scheduled for 2023.

Thailand on May 7th

Although Thailand has been a constitutional monarchy since 1932, the military and the monarchy continue to be the most influential institutions in the country’s politics.

One of the last monarchies in the world to be protected by lèse-majesté laws, military coups – often supported by the crown itself – are a frequent occurrence in Bangkok politics. The most recent coup took place in 2014, when Prayuth Chan-Ocha, the army head at the time, appointed himself prime minister.

There are Thais who advocate for democratic reform, frequently at considerable personal risk, and those who see the monarchy – military complex as a guarantor of stability and tradition – Thailand’s economic progress has not been harmed by its frequent coups.

Turkey on June 18th

The June 2023 election will be really historic, despite the fact that people in Turkey frequently refer to all presidential elections as momentous.

It will determine whether or not President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s increasingly dictatorial dominance over the nation’s politics will endure. Politics in its broadest sense is not all that is at stake. Equally at stake are the trends in economics, religion, education, and many other areas.

Politics, economics, and religion will in fact all play a role in the presidential election of 2023. Erdogan would position himself as Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s successor as Turkey’s second founder if he triumphs. His allies in industry, politics, and religion run the risk of being banned if he loses.

Guatemala on June 25th

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris unwittingly became an internet meme in June 2021 when she visited Guatemala in Central America and sternly advised would-be immigrants to “do not come” to the United States.

Many criticized Harris’s remarks for being crude and for failing to recognize that seeking asylum is a fundamental human right. However, she was only stating what has historically been the main objective of American immigration policy with regard to the Americas: keeping migrants out.

The oddball trio of Washington, Guatemala City, and Taipei is representative of Guatemala’s difficult place in American foreign policy. Even though they frequently view one another as a bother, Guatemala and the United States are interdependent in many ways. The upcoming elections will surely reflect this.

Argentina on October 29th

Many Argentinians are somewhat pessimistic heading into the 2023 election year, despite having the World Cup to enjoy, and with good cause.

The economy of the country has been in free fall for a while, and it has one of the highest per capita debt levels in Latin America. In addition, there is exorbitant inflation, stagnant wages, and weak economic development, all of which have been made worse by how the government has handled the COVID-19 outbreak.

Some even assert that the mismanagement of the economy and the corruption scandal may spell the end of Peronism. Namely, the political philosophy that has dominated Argentina for the majority of the past 70 years. The Peronists do indeed seem to be having a hard time uniting behind a candidate to run for office.

While everything is going on, Mauricio Macri’s party is also fractured. And the former president is up against formidable opposition from the inside.

Pakistan (by end of 2023)

In Pakistani elections, power is everything. This one will center on whether ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan can secure the two-thirds majority he claims he needs to rule the country. The ex-national cricket star will not be satisfied with anything less.

The date of the elections is a major concern. General elections are not held in Pakistan when the ruling party is in power. Instead, a transitional administration, usually composed of technocrats, assumes power with a 90-day election requirement.

In either case, Pakistan’s problems are not going to be solved by the 2023 elections. Whoever takes over would need to use the International Monetary Fund to cover the economic gaps. Without another bailout, Pakistan won’t be able to function.

Read also: The most popular and appreciated political leaders in the world: the ranking

More critical elections in 2023

Even though a sizable part of these ballots won’t be free or fair, which is due to democracy declination nevertheless, many other nations are still going to the polls this year.

Elections take place in the Americas in Paraguay in April and Guatemala in June.

Voting is scheduled for June in Guinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone. July or August in Zimbabwe. October in Liberia. Late 2023 in Madagascar. And December in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Thailand’s general election will take place in May, Cambodia’s in July, and Myanmar’s in August. India will also hold a few local elections in 2019.

More elections are scheduled in Greece in July, Luxembourg and Switzerland in October, and Poland in the fall throughout Europe.

Read also: All the women leaders, premier and head of state currently in power worldwide

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